Your journey with us

We follow the RIBA Plan of Work 2020:

Stage 0: Strategic definition

  • Client questionnaire to determine project requirements and initial brief
  • Develop strategy for achieving the clients' goals
  • Budget outline
  • Site appraisals

Stage 1: Preparation, brief and survey

  • Update project brief, if any changes arising from initial questionnaire
  • Carry out measured survey, including site photographs or instruct external surveying company and gather general site information, drains, trees etc.
  • Develop CAD drawings of existing property (plans and elevations)
  • Feasibility design - where necessary
  • Define sustainability targets
  • Define wider project team and assist client with the their appointment

Stage 2: Concept design

  •  Develop concept designs (number of designs depends on service level selected), for review and discussion
  • Complete stage 2 design report
  • Project cost review, where necessary
  • Liaise with wider project team
  • Develop outline 3D model of concept designs
  • Review sustainability targets

Stage 3: Detailed design, spatial co-ordination and planning

  • Client meeting to develop detailed drawings of preferred concept design
  • Complete stage 3 design report and sign off planning drawings
  • 3D designs updated to reflect planning scheme
  • Update cost summary, where necessary
  • Liaise with wider project team
  • Review possible procurement routes
  • Agreed construction methods
  • Submit pre-app
  • Submit planning application and prepare design and access statements, where necessary:
    - Plans and elevations (existing and proposed)
    - Location and block plans
    - 3D images (dependant on service level).

Stage 4: Technical design - working/construction drawings, specification and tendering

We split technical design into two stages (4A & 4B):
4A - Working/construction drawings

  • Assist with the appointment of wider design team, if not already appointed
  • Develop working/construction drawings, suitable for submission to Building Control. The level of detail on the working drawings is dependant on the service level selected
  • Review sustainability assessment
  • Update 3D model to reflect chosen finishes

4B - Specification and Tendering

  • Issue client with briefing questionnaire
  • Develop a written specification and work schedules
  • Advise on suitable Building Contracts
  • Issue tenders to 4-6 contractors
  • Interview contractors alongside the client and assist with the appointment of the contractor

Stage 5: Manufacturing and construction

  • Prepare the building contract and contract documents, for signing by the client and contractor
  • Carry out weekly or fortnightly site inspections and chair meetings
  • Prepare weekly or fortnightly site report, including photographic updates
  • Review contractor valuations and issue interim payment certificates
  • Review design work by specialist contractors
  • Issue Architect's instruction where variations or changes occur and log cost implications

Stage 6: Handover

  • Visit the property to carry out a final inspection
  • Provide final construction information pack
  • Advise on the resolution of any defects identified
  • Agree final account and issue final certificate
  • Produce snagging schedule to be completed by contractor

Stage 7: In-use

  • Complete post-occupancy evaluation (if required)